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What is MNRI?


The Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) Method allows us to get down to the neurological foundation of how our bodies move, react, and get us through everyday life. This method focuses on the primary (sometimes call primitive) reflexes and is designed to facilitate the integration and maturation of these reflex's motor patterns for anyone at any age. These reflexes are genetically coded in us and is nature's way of developing the brain. In fact, these reflexes start to develop as early as 6 week in utero and continue to develop/mature through the first few years of life. It is through these reflexes we learn to do basic life functions such as rolling over, walking, adjusting to the ground under you, keeping your head upright, learning to speak, and much more. 


Reflexes are our "survival system" and are activated in times of stress. Stress can and will look different for everyone. - including the level of stress it takes to cause an issue. It could be a stressful birth process (c-section, induced, lack of oxygen, etc.), an accident or illness (hurt while playing, falling off playground equipment, an extended high fever, etc.) or it could be a trauma that occurred (abandonment, abuse, in and out of foster homes, etc.). While the body is stressed, these reflexes may not mature as they should. MNRI can help to integrate these reflexes so that an appropriate motor outcome occurs. 


What makes this method stand apart from other modalities/treatments?

Traditionally, other modalities focus only on the motor response/outcome (ex. writing legibly, speaking clearly, standing up straight, etc.). While sometimes this can be practiced and trained, it doesn't mean that it is the best or most efficient path for the brain and body. First, we need to look at the foundation of your movement and bodily functions: your neurological system. You wouldn't build a house by starting with the roof - you would start with the foundation. Why not do the same with your body? By addressing the shortcomings of this neurological system (what MNRI does), we can get the motor outcome we want naturally without repeated, conscious effort. MNRI works with the genetic/brain code rather than trying to force an outcome to occur. If we can fix the code, then we can fix the outcome and likely make it more efficient in the process. In fact, this type of treatment is commonly referred to as "the missing link."


So what does an MNRI treatment look like? 

These primitive reflexes have three steps to them: 1) sensory stimulation, 2) brain

processing and 3) motor response (the action taken). However, there can be errors in this

circuit, and if so, then this reflex is likely not matured. So what do we do to fix this error?

Great question. During the session, I will apply a sensory stimulation (what is being done in

the image) to the reflex that we need to work on. After the stimulation has been placed,

then we work through the motor response that reflex would elicit effectively creating a

stronger neurological pathway. After some repetition of this process and further patterning,

the brain will know how to correctly process a stimulation related to this reflex and it will

now result in the correct motor response. It is important to understand that reflexes are not

independent of each other, so we will continue this pattern of treatment until the goal is



What if my child or family member cannot follow directions?

No problem! Most exercises and treatments can be implemented passively without the need for any directions. Feel free to bring along a book to keep them entertained or we can just tell the child a story ourselves!


Who is this type of treatment for?

Since we are working with the foundation of our neurological system there are many aspects of bodily functions that could be affected. Scientific research and many personal experiences have shown that MNRI typically has great success with those that deal or have dealt with... 

- experienced birth trauma (c-section, induced, born prematurely, fetal alcohol syndrome, etc.)

- cerebral palsy

- behavioral disorders (ADHD, autism, Asperger's, etc.)

- brain damage (stroke, seizures, concussion)

- developmental delay (crawling, walking, talking, etc.)

- toe walking

- uneven wear pattern on shoe

- uncoordinated/repetitive movements


- history of any type of traumatic experience (neglect, abuse, medical etc.)

- car accidents 

- near drowning victims

- hyperactivity/lack ability to focus

- difficulty learning

- anxiety/depression

- emotional regulation issues

- sensory processing

- vision issues (tracking, scanning, dyslexia)

- limited success or have hit a plateau with other modalities



Feel the need to learn more? Great! Check out the MNRI website for

information (Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute (

There are lots of great resources and articles on the site that will answer your



Still unsure what a session would look like? Set up an evaluation and we will be

happy to show you what to expect!




Ask Shelby! She will get back to you as soon as she can. 

Thanks for submitting!

Location: 10552 Success Lane, Suite F

Dayton, OH 45458



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