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Improvements with Breastfeeding

As my current clients know, I just had a baby this past March. She is the sweetest thing - but aren’t they all?

While the first week of breastfeeding went well and the hospital said we had no issues (including saying she had no ties), after a while there was consistent “clicking” while she was feeding. Luckily, a friend, whose kids had ties, pointed out that she likely had one, so I followed up and got her checked out by her doctor. And sure enough she had everything tied - upper lip, tongue and both cheeks - all to the worst possible grade.

We got her ties taken care of and began working with a great lactation consultant, Jamee, in Mason, OH. Jamee gave us exercises to work on that would help my daughter’s mouth/body relax and loosen up which would then result in her feeding better.

Jamee was aware of the primitive reflexes I worked on and encouraged me to do this work on my daughter - many of the exercises we were given tied in with these reflexes so I would connect all the dots at home. The main ones that helped for my daughter was work on Babkin and the oral-facial reflex work. 

In a relatively short amount of time, breastfeeding improved and my daughter's body became much less rigid and tight. She began to stretch more and explore larger movements. Soon, she became one of the more loose babies that Jamee was seeing - which is a very big complement. 

Just when I thought I knew of every issue MNRI work could help with, I saw another one in my own life! If it wasn’t for adding in this work with the guidance and abundant knowledge of Jamee, my daughter would still be tight and dealing with lots of reflux/spit up and likely not developing nearly as fast or as well. 

If we can work on the reflexes while the baby is still this little, it usually doesn’t take much time or effort. But if your baby is past this stage, that’s totally fine too. Improvements can still be made. If your baby sounds similar to mine, then it is just more proof that he/she can benefit from MNRI work. 

If you are still breastfeeding and having any challenges at all or just want to make sure everything is going as well as it can, I cannot recommend Jamee enough. You can find her HERE. Maybe Jamee’s knowledge and MNRI work is all your baby needs!

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