We are aware of how many different therapies, techniques and wellness centers there are out there. This article’s intent is to show you that Integrate and Thrive has skills that set us apart from the other centers because we can get closer to the root cause (even deeper than hormone imbalances or incorrect movement patterns, for example) than about any other place we know of in the Dayton area. Let us explain…
Let’s use the touching-a-hot-stove example. When you touch the hot surface, there are three steps that occur to get your hand to safety. The first step is that your sensory receptors in your hand recognize that the surface is too hot. They then send a signal to your brain for it to process - step 2. Once the brain agrees that continuing to rest your hand there will cause harm it initiates a motor output: your hand moves - step 3. So in summary…
Step 1: sensory stimulation
Step 2: brain processing
Step 3: motor output
Many therapies/techniques focus solely on the motor output. Think going to a physical therapist to strengthen your quadricep muscle (front of your thigh) to help with knee pain. While this is important, there is very likely more to your knee pain than just muscle strength. If the motor output (contracting a quadricep muscle) is strong but steps 1 and 2 are not in place, then who cares if that muscle is strong if it doesn’t know WHEN to fire? (Check out the article titled How Do I Know if Integrate and Thrive Will Help Me? if you would like more examples like this one) Integrate and Thrive uses Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) in order to address all three steps.
When working with a client, we will first stimulate the reflex we are needing to work with (step 1), then we will put the client into the position in which this reflex should elicit (step 2). But wait… we skipped step 2… Good catch! Because these reflexes are genetically encoded within us, the brain processing will take care of itself. Imagine your brain walking into a library and finding the first half of a book on one shelf and the second half of the book on another shelf. By your practitioner doing steps 1 and 3, it allows the brain to find the two halves of the book and put them together. This results in more efficient, appropriate reactions no matter the situation.
If you continue to find yourself in a plateau with other techniques or if you aren’t getting the results you want, then it is likely that you need some assistance with steps 1 and 2. Let us help you get to the root underlying your “root cause”.