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Behavioral Disorder, Developmental delay, Learning Difficulty

It can be very difficult and stressful as a parent or guardian having to deal with

these types of issues or if you are dealing with them yourself. You likely found this

page because you have heard the many success stories of MNRI with these types

of cases or you are looking for the next thing to try because you are not getting

the complete results you are wanting from more traditional therapies (PT,OT,

speech, etc.). Let me explain how Integrate and Thrive can likely help by using

the Masgutova Method. 


The reflexes that the MNRI technique addresses are the foundation to how we

function as human beings. There is a lot going on under the surface that we are

not aware of. In fact, about 90% of our brain activity is subconscious, leaving only

10% that we are aware of/can control. The majority of the time traditional therapies

can  only directly address this 10%. Here is an example: reminding the child to

change his grip when writing - maybe he can do it in the moment but it is not his

natural go-to despite the constant reminders. Instead, MNRI can work to correct

the input that is causing that output (incorrect grip). The right input along with the

correct processing of the input will result in the appropriate output without any

reminders. Make sense? I’ll give you another example. 


If you or your child gets very overwhelmed and begins to act out when you go

somewhere with loud noises, exposing him to loud noises over and over again

will not necessarily fix the issue. For whatever reason his brain is interpreting the

loud noise as a threat and acting out as a way to protect himself (the bodies #1

goal is to protect itself - everything we do is first and foremost for this goal)

because he figured out at some point if he acts out, he gets removed from the

situation and is no longer sensing a threat. So what do you do, leave him there

and hope his body learns it’s not under threat? No, this can be quite stressful for

everyone involved. Instead, let's simply help his body interpret the input (the loud

noises) correctly. How do we do that? We work to “calibrate” his fear and auditory

reflexes or whichever need to be specifically addressed for this child. This way

when he hears loud noises, his brain will learn to say “I hear the loud noise, and I

am okay.” Just like in the example above, we helped the brain/body appropriately

process the input and therefore caused the correct output. 


By applying this same concept throughout the body, MNRI has had tremendous

success with the following diagnosis and more…

  • Autism/ADHD

  • Asbergers 

  • Learning delays/trouble in school

  • Developmental delays (crawling, walking, talking, etc.)

  • Cerebral palsy

  • Down syndrome

  • Dyslexia 

  • Emotional stability/regulation

  • Premature birth/birth trauma 


We could go on and on with examples pertaining to each diagnosis or difficulty but the same idea applies. If you want to learn more about how this work can help you or your child please reach Shelby in the contact box below or any of the other options on the “Contact Us” tab. We urge you to believe that you are not stuck or there is no hope for further improvement no matter what stage you are in. MNRI has countless success stories, why couldn’t you or your child be the next one?


If you haven't already, read THIS PAGE​ to learn the basics behind what MNRI is. 


Check out this page on the Masgutova Method website that has different case studies and articles relating to these issues if you want to learn more HERE.


If you want to learn more about MNRI in general here is the link to the website:

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